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How the RPG works? Its simple, if you want to do something (eg. buy items, battle, travel, work or train)
just email me and tell me what you want to do.


Starting a battle:
To start a fight you will need a scouter or know sense power level, unless both of you
are in the same team or spaceship.

Power level:
Winner gets 12% of the strongest loser's PL
                   Loser gets 6% of the weakest winner's PL
Money: Winner gets $50 of each loser
           Loser get nothing.
Items: The winner can take one of the loser's items. It cannot take spaceships, spaceship add-ons,
weighted clothing and armor, weapons, any types of henchmen and saibamen.
Other increases: After 4 fights your HL and EL will start to increase when you fight again. HL goes up
by 4 and EL by 2.

Sparring: You can spar with anyone on your team if you want. Sparring is a type of fighting where nobody gets hurt (much). For each spar, you will get 7% of your opponent's PL. You do not get any money for sparring

Dying: If you want to kill someone email me and tell me why. If you are killed you will go to the Next
Dimension for 3 weeks. If you die there you get sent to HELL for 2 weeks and then you will have to spend
3 weeks again in the Next Dimension. If you get sent to HELL 5 times in a row (not freely) your character
will be reset and you will have to start all over again. Also you can freely go to Next Dimension and HELL.

There are three types of dragonballs on this rpg. Earth dragonballs can grant 1 wish, Black star Dragonballs can grant 1 more powerful wish and the namek dragonballs can grant 3 wishers. If you want to make a wish with the dragonballs you have to run it pass me first. 


Henchmen can fing you items, look for Dragonballs ,fight for you ,spar and train with you ,learn attacks but it takes two days longer and can work when the PL reaches 500. Henchmen can only go to the Next Dimension when they are killed if the PL is over 75,000 ,but they can still go there freely. You can only have a max of 8 henchmen. Kingdom Henchmen can't go to Next Dimension they just die no matter what there PL is and they cannot go there freely.


Buying: To buy a item you must email me. You must also have the right amount of money and be on the right planet.

Selling: To sell a item ,spaceship or weapon you can post it on the message board under In-Character.

Uprising Warriors

I put this on the RPG just to make it a more fun. There are 6 types of uprising warriors that will appear throughout the RPG. It is your job to get rid off them before they get to strong. If you are a Protector or Henchmen you must do this ,no madder how strong the fighter is.

Type of Warrior

PL range


Villager 0 to 700 weak
Normal Warrior 700 to 5,000 weak
Trained Fighter 5,000 to 10,000 strong
X Henchmen 10,000 to 20,000 strong
Saiyan Warrior 20,000 onwards extremely dangerous
Bounty Hunter 30,000 onwards extremely dangerous


Ruling a Planet

 To rule a planet you may need to overthrow the ruling King. To rule a planet you must email me and tell me why you should be appointed the position.

 As a king you must obey by a few rules.


 1. As king you must take part in every saga that appears on your planet

2. As king you mast deal with all uprising warriors or appoint someone to do this for you eg. Henchmen

  3. Its up to you how you want to run your planet but if I feel you are abusing the right of king I will be forced to downgrade you.

 4. As king you have control over the prices of items but again if I feel that you are abusing this I will downgrade you.

  5. You have no right to kick or banned a person from your planet.

 Note- New rules may be added if needed.

What does the king get?

As king you will receive $10,000 to spend on your kingdom Note- anything you buy with this money will be taken away if you a fire, killed or if you quit. Also the king is paid $200 a week and gets a 7% increase every week.


 A base will act as your teams Headquarters. I you have more then 3 people in you team you will receive a free base and a $500 to spend on upgrades. A base will take 3 days to built and really needs upgrades to use. You can only use one upgrade per day unlike a spaceship. Also not all spaceship upgrades can be used in your base only Training mines and workout bench can be used. Training mines can only be used in training and simulation rooms. The Workout Bench can only be used in the gym. You don’t need to be in a team to buy a base. Also no one can attack you while you are in side your base with a scouter, unless they have a spy bug or know sense power level.


  You can only hold 4 weapons at a time (Throwing Knifes, Sabers & Kamas only count as one weapon, Arrows don’t count as weapons). You can’t hold two of the same weapons and all weapons can be broken in battle depending on how strong your opponent is. As soon as the weapon is broken your PL will go back to normal. All but special weapons can be stolen eg. A Konat sword can be stolen but a Z sword can’t.

Copyright 2002 (Tapion34). Site Designed by All Rights Reserved.All Rights Reserved. Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT are copyrights of Bird Studios and TOEI Animation. In the U.S., Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT are licensed to FUNimation. All rights reserved.